CREAM Invest

Our values

The CREAM Group has long been shaped by the qualities typical of sport: tenacity, endurance, competitiveness, excellent spatial orientation, and the desire to achieve the best possible result. All this is according to the rules of fair play. In all business areas, we pride ourselves on respect for others and consideration for nature. Our buildings can meet the demanding needs of the modern city.

In addition to the revitalisation of brownfields, we have a number of projects for the sustainable development of large and small settlements. Both in the construction sector and in the development of the strategic logistics terminal near Košice, Slovakia, we want our work to be built upon by future generations. We enjoy projects that are necessary and useful for society. Both are important motivations for our future work.


We respect nature, respect the work of those who came before us, and listen carefully to the voices of the professional and lay public. We also respect the rules.


We don't measure business success solely by financial gain. We only do things that inspire us; we enjoy and benefit others. 


We know that others will appreciate the results of every piece of work we do. We must do things well and at the highest quality to stand up to critical scrutiny. 


We want to save time, money, and, above all, human potential. We know the easiest way to implement a project is with the general public's support.  


If we decide to do something, we work to ensure that the result will make sense in the long run, including for future generations.


We don't set unrealistic goals, but we are demanding of ourselves. We can take risks, but we always play by the rules. We can appreciate excellence when it is within the boundaries of our principles.


450,000+ m² of projects in the pipeline 20 billion investments over the next 10 years 600,000 m² of lettable space 5 billion CZK asset value CZK 5 billion asset management Urban regeneration Public space Baťa complex Development New apartments Rental housing Sports facilities and sports promotion Shops and services Offices Sustainable architecture Respect for nature Working with renewable resources

We are an investment group that focuses primarily on real estate development. Our diversified portfolio also includes investments in logistics, tourism and renewable energy. Through the CREAM SICAV investment fund, listed on the Prague Stock Exchange, we manage over CZK 5 billion assets. We are characterized by long-term holding of investments that can appreciate significantly over time. In the medium term, we have investment projects worth more than CZK 20 billion in the pipeline. Near Košice, on the Schengen area's eastern border, we are investing strategically in a container transhipment facility with significant financial support from the European Union. 


For more than 15 years, we have been gradually revitalizing one of the largest and most famous brownfields in the Czech Republic, which is one of the most valuable assets of our CREAM SICAV fund. In strong partnership with the city and the region, as well as with many entrepreneurs and the public, we are reviving historic factory buildings with new functions. We focus on everything that is useful for modern society: apartments, commercial space, and support for leisure sports and cultural activities. Examples are the MAX 32 and 64 buildings or the upcoming FABRIKA and the renovation of the 34 - THE CUBE building. We are well aware that the popularity of a place also benefits from a well-thought-out and pleasant public space.


 We strive for a timeless approach so that our buildings or renovations of older buildings will be relevant for many years, whether it is the interior design layouts of the buildings or, in the case of new buildings, a distinctive architecture that always corresponds with its surroundings. Our long-standing partner is the architectural studio CMCArchitects of Vit Maslo and David Chisholm. 


Our strategy is to build properties with state-of-the-art technology and then operate them responsibly. This approach ensures that our clients become users of high-quality spaces. Also, our care for them is maximum. They have a 24/7 client portal for their requirements and a client hotline for their current needs. 

CREAM Consulting

Professional relationships with financial institutions are a significant driving force behind each of our projects. This is consistent with the fact that we finance projects mainly with our capital. Sustainable development, which we also see in the economic context of our company's growth, is thus firmly under our control. 


Through our Foundation, we collect incentives to support various social activities in our region. Thus, the Foundation manages the funding of youth sports clubs and is preparing workshops to redefine public space in the Baťa area to meet the requirements of our time. Through the Foundation, we have made a long-term commitment to financially support "Za Sklem," a non-profit organization that helps people with autism spectrum disorder. 


The Czech investment company CREAM wants to participate in the construction of a large industrial zone worth EUR 2.5 billion near Košice, Slovakia.

The 600-hectare zone is to be developed in cooperation with the Košice Region in the vicinity of the U.S. Steel ironworks and the Interport transshipment facility, which CREAM also operates. The investor's intention is to have the planned industrial zone included in the Catalogue of Strategic Zones, which is approved by the government. Its comprehensive feasibility study should be prepared by this May, after which it will be submitted to the relevant ministries and finally to the cabinet of Prime Minister Robert Fico.

A banking consortium would be in charge of the financing and construction is planned in three phases. The total cost of €2.5 billion includes the construction of infrastructure, production and logistics halls or a research and training centre.
"We are preparing the entire project for the Interport Partners Group, which has established a joint venture with the Košice Region. We have yet to discuss the next steps with them. We have prepared the purchase of the land, we have pre-negotiated cooperation with the University of Košice. If everything goes smoothly, the approval process for the inclusion of the zone in the government catalogue could be completed in the second half of next year," Martin Jarolím, chairman of the board of GLIP, a.s., in which the Košice Region holds a 60% stake, told ČTK.
According to Jarolim, the eastern Slovakia region has a huge potential with its infrastructure, which includes the international container transshipment facility Interport, as it represents a link between the Baltic and Balkan countries as well as the eastern countries with Western Europe. Moreover, the importance of the place will increase even more when the war ends, the reconstruction of Ukraine begins and the routes further east open up again.
The Košice Interport transshipment yard serves primarily for transshipment of cargo from wagons with Central European gauge to the larger eastern gauge. Thanks to a EUR 50 million subsidy from the European Union, it is to be completely modernised to become an important transport hub, especially for rail and road container transport. According to the EU conditions, it should also comply with the Green Deal.
The zone at Košice should be the second in the region. Based on the government's approval in 2021, an industrial park is being built near the village of Valaliky. Its operator, VIP, applied for a building permit in January. The first investor is to be Sweden's Volvo.

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