CREAM Invest


The already completed revitalization of building No. 32 in Zlín brought one of the first sparks of a comprehensive urban revitalization of this exceptional industrial complex to the Baťa complex. The name of the building, MAX32, not only refers to a number within the Baťa grid but also reflects the maximum energy we put into the project and the energy we still feel from the building years after its completion. MAX 32 is now the address of many people and companies who live or work here. The Czech Post Office is also based here, and you will find one of the most modern fitness clubs in the region, the Vitasana Fitness Club. The loft apartments that have quickly found popularity among all age groups will now be expanded by a new range of premium category apartments, which will soon be implemented on two floors of the extension under the MAX 32 Premium brand. This will bring an additional 55 high-standard apartments to the site. 

Loft apartments and offices in the new centre of Zlín

Architect CMC architects, in cooperation with Ing. arch. Lubomír Beran, CREAM
Scope 20 000 m²
Type Commercial project
Location Zlín, CZ
Status Completed
1 2 3 4

A new concept of multifunctional
space that combines small-scale
modern loft living, offices
with services and everyday life
Baťa complex Urban regeneration Revitalization Industrial architecture Baťa Rastr Zlín New Zlín MAX Premium apartments Loft apartments Attractive housing Rental housing Loft offices Modern offices Commercial space Vitasana Fitness Wellness & Spa Czech Post Drogerie Teta Sustainable Building Modern technology CMC architects Akad. arch. Vít Máslo CREAM Group

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