CREAM Invest


HOUSE 64, originally a production factory, is currently a large complex of office and commercial premises in the commercial-industrial zone of the former Bat'a complex in Zlín. The dilated building has a specific floor plan in the shape of the letter H. Between 2017 and 2019, a complete reconstruction took place. Today, HOUSE 64 is an attractive place to work and live in, comparable to successful brownfield regenerations, as we know them from New York, Berlin, and Prague. The corridor between parts 64/1 and 64/2 has a café with a fresh industrial feel. The site is imbued with a youthful atmosphere, cultural spirit and Baťa's commercial legacy.

Giving industrial buildings a new chance

Architect Ing. arch. Lubomír Beran, CREAM
Scope 15 000 m²
Type Commercial project
Location Zlín, CZ
Status Completed 2019
1 2

The sensitive regeneration of a former
industrial building has brought
a new dynamism to the western part of the Baťa site

Baťa complex Urban regeneration Revitalization Industrial architecture Baťa Rastr Zlín New Zlín Modern offices Generous commercial space Sustainable construction Photovoltaics Modern technologies Giengier Za Sklem Bennon Sheep Farm Aricoma NG retail CREAM Group

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